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Celebrating National Day on Writing [October 20th]

Celebrating National Day on Writing [October 20th]

Posted by Sandy on Oct 20th 2022

The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) has designated October 20 as the National Day on Writing®. The day is meant to bring attention to all the amazing ways we write…and how critical writing is to literacy. 

You can read about their mission here:

From a simple note or text message to a blog post or full blown novel, we all do it.

How to celebrate?

Well, I wrote this blog post! But I also wrote my daily to do list, composed some text for a new design I’ll be listing soon, and played Wordle and Words With Friends. I’m off to a good start!

I tend to be overly critical of my writing. By committing to creating blog posts like this one and doing it more frequently, I’m hoping to feel more comfortable with my writing. After all, practice make better, right?

We can all appreciate our own writing no matter how small, and strive to improve our craft, or simply just do it more. 

Join in the fun with the #WhyIWrite. The NCTE will be on Twitter today chatting about writing and sharing tips and resources.

A few fun facts…

  • The word ‘mogigraphia’ means writer’s cramp.
  • It’s said that John Steinbeck used 300 pencils to write East of Eden. I bet he had some mogigraphia! While I probably won’t be writing a novel anytime soon, I’m thankful I wouldn’t have to do it like Steinbeck.
  • Did you know that the longest word in an English dictionary is no longer antidisestablishmentarianism at 28 letters? Coming in at 45 letters, the top of the list is now Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Merriam-Webster defines it as “a pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust.” I don't know about you, but I think it will be easier to work antidisestablishmentarianism into a sentence.

It’s important to write no matter how or why you’re doing it. Writing is good for us in number of ways. It can help us remember things, log ideas, reduce stress, and exercise our brains. 

What will you write today? Keep it simple and write a comment on this post…
