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​Backwards Day [January 31st]

​Backwards Day [January 31st]

Posted by Sandy on Jan 31st 2023

As the first month of 2023 comes to an end, let’s mix things up! How about celebrating Backwards Day? Like so many of these whacky “holidays,” I have no idea how Backwards Day started or who started it, and until yesterday, I hadn't even heard of it. That being said, Backwards Day spoke to me. 

Fun Fact: did you know that when I hand stamp many of my jewelry designs, I stamp the text backward? It’s easier for me to space things out. I also often read magazines starting from the back…no idea why. I guess I sort of celebrate Backwards Day all the time!

I remember a commercial for that famous restaurant with golden arches where they listed the ingredients of a burger backwards and I had to memorize it. Yes, I can still do it…bun seed sesame a on onions pickles cheese lettuce sauce special patties beef all two. Wow, that goes back a ways! I should probably be using that brain space for something else, don't you think?

Some fun ways to celebrate Backwards Day:

  • Have dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner. Lunch stays lunch for today, I guess?
  • Wear your clothes backward. Okay, that’s not very practical. Maybe just your hat?
  • Say ‘Hello’ instead of ‘Goodbye’ and vice versa
  • Try writing something backward
  • And my personal favorite…eat dessert first!
  • Here's another Fun Fact: Penguins can’t walk backward! Those adorable, flightless, tuxedo-wearing birds are always moving forward. Good for them! 

    I do have a question for it backward or backwards? 

